Hey guys it Rick at Elijah tooling, give me two, I mean at least two minutes, and I will make it worth your time. (Talking to cat) Hey, buddy, what are you doing? Well, aside from the cat… Hey guys, today I’m out at the home ranch. You know city boy turned farmer- actually wife turned farmer. Believe it or not we’ve got five heifers, one cow, three donkeys, two horses, four cats, and a dog. So, of course, we’ve got to have a 50 horse tractor and that’s why I’m out here today. I want to talk to you a little bit about our tractor and a lot about our products. So, as you can see this tractor has the ability to move dirt. We can take that implement off and we can move hay. On the back I’ve got a grader right now, but we can put a mower on it, and honestly this thing is indispensable for a home farm like ours. If you had a big old massive setup, maybe you’d have a bigger tractor, but this guy is what we need right here right now. In the same way, I was thinking about this the other day when I was riding around on my tractor, our Invert-A-Bolt™ fasteners and our modular fixing is indispensable to many types of manufacturing, and as you can see I don’t even have one in my hand! Do you know why? Because they’re up at the shop working day in day out. They’re doing their job. Rapid, repeatable, precise set ups. That’s what we’re all about. If you haven’t given them a shot, maybe you should try it. Hey, don’t get left behind!