Elijah Tooling - A company that specializes in providing exceptional tooling to manufacturers.
The literal meaning of Elijah, "ELI" God + "JAH" Jehovah = Jehovah is God.
Elijah is one of the most revered prophets found in Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions. He was perhaps best known for calling fire down from heaven. Our desire as a company is to conduct business in a way that even God would approve. We intend to provide a product that is exceptional in its quality and offered at a reasonable price. We are ever pressed to honor the name of our God and to conduct ourselves and this corporation in such a manner that the Name of Jesus Christ will never suffer reproach or shame." Just like Elijah, we would like to see our efforts make a significant impact in the world in which we live, even to the point of seeing the "fire" of positive change incorporated in ours and that of other manufacturers.
A Prayer of Blessing For You
- May the Lord bless you and keep you.
- May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious to you.
- May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you Peace.